[vc_row height=”small” width=”full”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Majoritatea facultăților din străinătate au luat decizii și măsuri pentru prevenirea răspândirii infecției cu noul Coronavirus. Având în vedere suspendarea procesului de învățământ, pe toate website-urile facultăților se regăsește câte un articol cu toate informațiile de care viitori studenți au nevoie în perioada asta.
Istituto Marangoni
Dear students, teachers and staff,
As you know in the last few hours the Italian Government has issued new measures causing all Universities, and therefore also Istituto Marangoni, to extend the period of distance learning until April 3.
The arrangements of the Authorities serve once again as an example and a guide; we are all called to rigorously adopt them, to guarantee your protection and that of our community.
Proactively following these measures, Istituto Marangoni has decided to increase activities and lessons via e-learning, with the aim of keeping school life and its community alive and active, albeit in a virtual way, and at the same time, looking to guarantee the smooth running of didactic plans.
Your proactive contribution will also be essential to make this experience stimulating and constructive: our digital platform is ready to transform this new distance activity into an opportunity to experiment with different learning formats.
Let us all together take this particular moment with the spirit of a challenge that has always distinguished Istituto Marangoni, working to make it as creative and engaging as possible.
This additional effort will allow us to return to school with serenity and in maximum safety.
In Italy all the authorities responsible for Health and Safety are managing the matter with extreme professionalism and diligence, and the transparency of information is within everyone’s reach.
Istituto Marangoni choices, which by asking sacrifices to all the actors involved in the educational process, are consistent with what university institutions same as us are doing, globally, to defend society from this situation declared yesterday as pandemic by the WHO.
We are sure that we will come to the end of this school year together with our students successfully. This is why we want to remind them how important it is to complete the educational program, continuing to attend lessons constantly. After this period that is redesigning our daily lives, we will return to fill our classrooms and be able to share life in Istituto Marangoni side by side.
While we wait for that moment, which we all hope will arrive as soon as possible, let’s remain connected on our platform.
With very kind regards
The Direction
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Domus Academy
Mark Anderson, Domus Academy Director of Education, explains to the students the very difficult moment we are experiencing and the changes in the academic activities.
To better help respond to the students’ general questions and the more specific and personal ones, Domus Academy has set up a dedicated email address : info.covid-19@domusacademy.it and a frequently asked question section in its website, that will be updated regularly.
The aim of the school, in the interest of its students, is to respond quickly and work to ensure continuity in the learning experience. Domus Academy is doing everything possible to support the students in this phase and to allow their study to continue until the crisis is over. To do so, Domus Academy has temporarily transferred the courses online, following the latest ministerial directives that do not permit schools and universities to be open at this time. Domus Academy is not proposing to turn into an online educational institute; it is a response to a specific crisis situation, to allow the students to be continually engaged at a distance. The school intends not to interrupt the courses that would block the students’ learning process, thus losing momentum.
The learning process is not limited to the classroom, whether that be physical or online, it is an approach to the world we inhabit. Through workshops and lessons, Domus Academy is still stimulating, encouraging and guiding its students’ learning process. As in all modules, the workshops are challenging, combining specific briefs, special lecturers, important designers and companies and their representatives. While the modes of delivery and exchange may vary, the content an approach remain unchanged.
This is a very unusual moment, but this can and should be a starting point for reflections on and for the future. The world is rapidly changing: from environmental issues to the interdependence of economies and possibilities and threats that a connected world offers, to the advantages (and limitations) of technology, this current situation is an example. Perhaps it is possible to draw different lessons from this experience, and in the immediate, use the ability to react to problems with creativity and intelligence, contributing to a culture of positive engagement that will result in both personal and professional growth. Domus Academy asks everyone to continue to be engaged, to go forward and work together.
Mark Anderson – Director of Education
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